Thursday, June 25, 2015

My very first post about genealogy.

I'm sitting here listening to Second Chances by Imagine Dragons while I work in my genealogy. I don't know if is because I'm submerge in genealogy or the rhythm of the song. But it makes me think about all this people that are part of my blood that I never got to meet. I'm searching like crazy to find information about them and when I find details about them I get this urgent feeling to know more about them. But not just their birthdays, where were they born, or how many children they had and in what places they lived. I want to know what did they look like, what did they use to like, what did they did for fun.

I wish there was some kind of a portal to a dimension where I could communicate with them and ask them all kind of crazy questions. What kinds of thing got them in trouble when they were little. And the thing that I would love the most is to be able to give them a big hug. Because even when I have never meet a lot of them I miss them!!!!!! Yes, I know. Sounds crazy. But have you ever miss someone SO much that you wish you have them next to you and give them a big hug???? I have that exact same feeling with all this people I am learning about from my research on my family tree.

I haven't seen the faces of a lot of them but I can close my eyes and imagine what would they look like. I hope I'm worthy enough one day to meet them after this life and give them all that big hug I'm craving so bad right now.

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